Birds of a Feather 2023 Application Form

Thank you for offering to host a TrustCon Birds of a Feather! Due to limited capacity, we are asking those who are interested in hosting to submit their ideas for review by TSPA. Please provide as much information as you can about your proposed TrustCon Birds of a Feather. We will be in touch by April 30 to let you know whether we are able to accommodate your Birds of a Feather proposal. 

Please note that TSPA will manage the signup for the event, but since this is an optional, volunteer-led activity, you will be responsible for planning and logistics, including securing a location. TSPA will advertise all Birds of a Feather events equally through registration and other TrustCon communications but cannot guarantee a minimum number of attendees. However, we are able to cap attendance. Please contact us at if you have any questions.